Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, summer has arrived. Yesterday's high was 108. Yup, one hundred and eight degrees. Crazy. Too hot. Much too hot.

So Maddy's dad wants to pick her up on Sunday and keep her for two whole weeks. I've never been away from her for that long. Two weeks! That's too long. In one instant I went from dreading having her around so much to dreading having her gone. Funny how that is.

She wanted to give a present to her teacher so we went to Michaels and she picked out a box that looks like a book and an apple decoration to glue on the front. It was very cute. She painted them both and I glued the apple on. She did a really good job and it looked very cute. She also got a card and wrote inside. She said "Dear [teacher's name], Thank you for being my teacher. My favorite part of class was getting jobs. I hope you have great students next year. Maddy" She wrote it all herself inside the card. Seriously, it was heartbreakingly cute. And she picked everything out on her own with only slight guidance from me, she even paid for it with her allowance. Then this morning she was getting ready to leave for the bus and she dropped the box on the kitchen floor. UG! It broke one of the hinges on the box. Oh the alligator tears!! It was sad. She still took it to school and I think it's fixable with some super glue, but boy oh boy was Maddy upset.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch