Wednesday, May 14, 2008


There was a time in my life that I never thought I'd say this but... I'm so dreading the summer. The heat, the boredom, the driving mommy insane by following her around and asking ten billion questions about every little thing. My hope is to live at the pool. I want to go to the pool a lot. I've said that before though and we went like twice. It's hard cause it's... you know, hot.

It's hard to convey a Phoenix summer to someone who has never lived here. I will probably spend the next few months trying to do just that. But imagine if you lived inside your oven. It's something like that. The valley is just a big giant oven, cooking all it's inhabitants til they scream for mercy. Then the thunderstorms come and provide just enough relief to trick you into thinking it's over. But it's not... it never is!

But enough about that... it hasn't even gotten over 100 yet. I should enjoy the last few days of "spring" while I still can.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch