Saturday, May 17, 2008


If there are two names for something Connor has taken to using both at the same time. For example; something out of the freezer would be "cold chilly" or what he sits on for dinner is his "chair seat". It's pretty funny. I think "cold chilly" sounds like some kind of slang. As in "Those new rims are cold chilly, yo!" He also discovered his nipples the other day. lol. But he thought they were "boo boo owies".

He's been singing the alphabet. Cutest thing ever! He really knows from about K on but if he starts from the beginning he says "ABCWXYZ Now I know ABC's, chunker meeeeee" lol He loves to sing and that is his favorite song.

We got cupcakes yesterday and he was telling Larry all about eating his "pupcakes".

I'm also going to sign Maddy up for a baseball training camp thing. It's 4 days this summer and they teach each position, and throwing and hitting. Someone might also want to teach her how to catch. I'm assuming they will work on that. Should be cute.


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