Saturday, November 1, 2008

Operation Skinny: Week 8

Hello hello! I did much better this week on my calories. I ate an average of 1,555 which is pretty good, considering we have Halloween candy in the house. I really struggled to keep it down. So I guess this was the challenge I was looking for a few weeks ago when I thought about trying to lower my average.

I started doing a new program on the elliptical machine which burns 400 calories in 30 minutes. It also counts for 4 miles of running. It's hard and I only did it twice last week, but I like it. So considering that I walked 23.5 miles this week. Here is my walking progress so far.

***Drum roll please***

I lost 2.2 pounds. yay! Which is almost everything I gained last week. I've been keeping track of everything on a spreadsheet and have noticed a pattern here. I only lose weight every other week. So I guess I have to be happy with just a general downward trend. But here's to hoping I reach goal number one next week.

Weight loss: 4.2 lbs (.8 pounds away from goal #1)
Distance Traveled: 155.5 miles


Copyright 2009 Front Porch