Saturday, November 8, 2008

Operation Skinny: Week 9

Hey guys. Good news! I lost 1.2 pounds this week... which means that I have met goal number one! Wohoo... I am no longer over my max allowable weight. It also means that I lost weight two weeks in a row. So I broke that streak. Hopefully we can go for 3 weeks in a row. Now I'm going to start working on the next 5 pounds.

I ate an average of 1,469 calories. The calorie thing is getting easier. The first week with the elliptical machine was tough. Sometimes I get really hungry and I do have to make better choices. Since I'm burning more calories it's harder to keep the average down.

I traveled 27.5 miles. Which is a record for me. I have finally made it to the I-40 which was my first walking goal. Wohoo. Two goals met in one week. My next goal is to make it to the state line. Here is my walking map.

So here are my totals:

Weight loss: 5.4 pounds (goal #1 met; .4 pounds into goal #2)
Distance Traveled: 180 miles


Copyright 2009 Front Porch