Saturday, November 29, 2008

Catch up

Hello! Gosh this week has been crazy. I know I haven't written... with the craziness it's hard to have a moment to sit back and put it all into perspective. Thanksgiving for example, there was stress and confusion about when the turkey was going to be done, but in the end it worked out perfect. So was it good? Or was it stressful? I guess it was both.

I also have two tests to study for, as well as a final and a group project. So the moments that weren't spent cooking have been spent studying and writing papers.

And I've started Christmas shopping! Believe it or not, the person I'm having the most trouble shopping for is Connor. It's not a lack of choices, quite the opposite. I can walk down any aisle in any store and find 50 things I think he would like. The problem is spending the money in the wisest way. I don't want to just walk into a store and drop a couple of hundred bucks on any old random thing.

Notice today is Saturday and I'm not doing an operation skinny update? Because I was seriously lacking in tracking everything. I took a few days off there. So I'm starting again today. I did work out everyday, but I just didn't keep track of anything.

Ok, so I think we are all caught up.


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