Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another kitchen fire?

Yesterday Maddy and I were cooking dinner. We were making Maddy's Pasta Surprise. She was standing on her step stool casually, yet obsessively, stirring the pasta and telling me about a funny story they read at school. I turned on the burner under the skillet to got ready to fry the bacon. A few wisps of white smoke came up from under the burner. Always happens as the drippings from last night's dinner burn to a crisp. But this time they didn't stop. A few wisps turned into a several wisps. Then they turned into streams. Since I am terrified of the smoke detector I turned on the fan above the stove. Then the streams turned into sheets. Just sheets of smoke coming from under the pan. I turned off the burner and noticed orange light coming from under the skillet.

"Larry!" I call.
"Yeah?" He called back without getting off the couch.
"Come here!" I say while waving my hands in a panic. As he comes around the corner he sees the light under the pan. He rushes over, picks up the skillet, leans over, and literally blows the fire out. Apparently it wasn't quite the fire I was expecting under there. I don't know what was in the little drip pan but it put up a fight. Anyways, we opened the windows to let the smoke out. Made a few nervous jokes and went back to our lives.

When everything calmed down I realize Maddy is still telling her story. She never even broke stride. She was still standing there on her stool, spoon in pot, telling me about this book they read. I stopped her and said "Sweetie, when there is a fire, most people stop telling their story." She paused just long enough to give me a blank look and then continued on, totally clueless.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch