Monday, April 28, 2008

A surprise lunch

We went to lunch today with Jennifer and her daughter in law. It's so weird that one of my friends is a grandma. But anyways, It was fun. I was supposed to go grocery shopping. In fact, I had just pulled the van into a parking space at the store when my phone rang. It was Jennifer saying she was like a mile from my house and her plans had been canceled and she wanted to know if I was busy. Which I suppose I technically was busy, but I would gladly give up grocery shopping for a chance to hang out with her. So I put Connor back in his car seat (to which he was all "WTF Ma?") and we went back home.

It was a fun little unexpected jaunt to lunch. A good time was had by all.

But now I still have to go to the store. I'll go after Larry gets home. If' I'm slick I might even get out of taking the kids with me.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch