Friday, July 18, 2008


Sorry I haven't written in like a week but seriously, nothing has happened. I would much rather say "Sorry I haven't written in a week, I've been so busy." But that would be a huge lie.

Larry finished his Jury Duty thing. It was a murder trial. Negligent homicide actually. A 16 year old kid was going like 60 on a residential street and caused an accident and the other driver died. They voted guilty on negligent homicide but not guilty on the dangerous act part of it. I guess to be considered a dangerous act you have to knowingly be putting someone's life in danger and they didn't feel that at age 16 he fully realized that he could kill someone by doing that. He was just an inexperienced kid. I was looking around on the internet and it seems like the kid will get sentenced to about 3 years in jail. The sentencing isn't for a few more weeks though.

What else? Maddy is getting ready for school. I think she is ready school clothes wise. She has a backpack and a lunch box. All she really needs are some supplies and a haircut and then we are good to go. I believe. I'm sure I will think of some more stuff as the time draws closer. But it's only 18 days and 17 hours of summer vacation left. But who's counting?

I also made a very yummy cheesecake. You can get the recipe right here. Enjoy!!


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