Thursday, July 10, 2008

No pennies allowed

Yesterday I was sitting in the living room and Larry was in the family room. He yells in to me "Connor isn't allowed to have pennies anymore!" I was like "I know, I already told him that. I didn't know he had a penny." I thought he had put it in his mouth or something. Nope. Larry had been trying to take the pictures off the SD card and found a penny in the SD slot on the computer. Nice! Luckily he was able to get it out and all is well, but jeeze. I had told Connor he wasn't allowed to have pennies because he would take them out of my purse and then lay on the floor in the kitchen and put them in the air vent at the bottom of the fridge. lol I swear, that boy is going to destroy every thing we own. He's just so... so... I don't know... determined and curious.

It's such a range of emotions when they get that way. Maybe not when I find a penny in the computer, but lets say when he climbs up the pantry shelves to get the cookies. I'm proud, impressed, frustrated, laughing, powerless, mad, ect. I just can't believe how big he is getting.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch