Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jury Duty

Larry had jury duty yesterday. He actually got on a trial. He can't tell me what the trial is about. But he was telling me about the other jurors and how it all works. I've only been to jury duty once and that was a loooong time ago. I didn't even get called, I sat in the first room watching TV for like two hours and then they sent me home. So it was interesting to hear what happened.

The trial he got on lasts for two weeks. Dang. So he is there again today. And here I thought he might even get a half day yesterday. hehe... silly me. What's good is that his job pays for 10 days of jury duty and he can still work overtime this weekend. So there won't be any loss of money.

I'm not surprised he got on a jury. He's a good responsible guy. He's smart and makes good fully thought out decisions based on factual information. I think he will make a very good juror. It's so crazy to be part of such a big serious thing. When I think jury duty I think it will be more DMV than Law and Order. Ya know? More sitting on uncomfortable plastic chairs complaining about the air conditioning than jury box and objections. (over ruled!) But he's there right now. Looking at exhibits and hearing testimony. Deciding someone's fate. Weird. So so weird.

I am going to try to refrain from peppering him with questions today when he gets home. I know I will be just dying to talk about it. But the rules are in place for a reason and I respect that. I'm sure I will hear all about it when it's over.


Jess NBP said...

OH MAN. I've got Jury Duty for the next *6* MOnths. OI.

Kerrie said...

I've always wanted to be called up for jury duty but never have been. I have a friend whose number has come up three times and has been selected every time too.

I think I'd be like you, couldn't wait and want to discuss the finer aspects of the case while it was still on...such a stickybeak.

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