Monday, July 21, 2008

One thing leads to another

I got a bug up my butt this weekend and cleaned all three bathrooms. And I mean cleaned them. Every surface was wiped, every shelf, cabinet, drawer, and closet was culled. The kids bathroom looks huge! I had like half a hamper of clothes and towels and bathing suits. And the floor in their bathroom has never looked right. It didn't look clean no matter what. So I got on my hands and knees and figured out there is glue (probably from laying it) which is stuck to it and dirty. So I scratched off every little piece and wow. It's shining. I was kinda mad at myself for living here for 4 years and never really getting down and figuring out why the floor always looked dirty. But that's why.

Then I was in a cleaning mode so I organized the downstairs closet where the kids have all their games and art supplies. I didn't plan on doing it but I went to put away a coloring book and couldn't find a place to put it. Yeah, I couldn't fit one thin coloring book in the closet! So I got a trash bag and started going through everything. It looks so nice now! There is even spaces where you can see the shelf!

Larry was so inspired that while I was putting Maddy to bed he went through and organized the kids toys in the family room. We got rid of about one trash bag worth of old broken toys. What's nice is that you can actually put all the toys away now. The lid on the toy box closes! And even better is that the kids can actually play with the toys they like, instead of having them buried under who knows what.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch