Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our new toys

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We did. Every year we get the kids way too much and every year we vow not to make that mistake again. After the toys are unwrapped comes the most frustrating part of Christmas. Trying to get the toys out of their boxes. My God. The person who invented those metal twisty ties is going to burn in hell. I'm sure he was cursed at least a half million times on Christmas day. It starts out so innocent. Your sitting on the couch minding your own business and your kid brings over a toy. "Can you open this for me?" Of course you can! Oh the joy your kid will have playing with this toy. The toy you carefully picked out so many weeks ago. Your kid is standing there eagerly awaiting the fun inside that box. First you have to break through the industrial grade tape. Then pull out the inside cardboard to which the fun is bolted down. Someone offers some scissors at this point but you are still confident you can do it. I mean, some things just shouldn't require tools. You start unraveling those cursed twisty ties. One at a time. Twist, twist, twist. and just when you think you have it then you realize that there is also some clear plastic around it that has been taped down with that unbreakable tape. Your 30 mins in and bleeding. "Where are those God damned scissors!" you yell. By the time you get the damn toy out of its packaging, your kid is no where to be found.

But I was the big winner this year. Larry got me a fancy new laptop!! I love it. I'm writing this from my couch with my cozy blanket watching TV. I'm loving it. I was very surprised. He got me good. All the presents were opened and I have to say, I was kinda disappointed. I liked everything I got, but ummm... there wasn't very much. Maybe that sounds bad. I had socks, underwear, jammies, and some measuring cups. All things I wanted, but I did the math and it just didn't add up to what he had to spend. Ya know? I was expecting more. But then he leaves and comes back and hands me a laptop bag. I was confused. I'm thinking "gosh, this sure looks like a laptop case." But I still didn't think it could possibly be one. I opened the case and there it was, all shiny and pretty. I really still didn't believe it. I asked "Are you serious?" So yeah, now I've done the math and he doesn't have to get me another present for like 4 years.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch