Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Disaster avoided

Connor has been sick. He was throwing up Saturday and Sunday night. So far so good since about noon yesterday. What is weird is that he has also been in the BEST mood. He has been a total angel. He even gave me a hug and kiss without me having to ask. Talk about a heart melter.

I had to run a few errands yesterday. I went to the post office and then to UPS. The whole thing took about an hour. Afterwards I was starving and Connor was being so good I thought maybe we should just get some lunch and then go and do some Christmas shopping. But then I thought better of it and figured that since he was sick I had better not push it. So we just came home. We walk in the door and I'm putting my stuff down and he starts crying. Crying a lot. For no reason. I bent down to give him a hug and he puked all over the place. I would have impressed you with the ninja like skill I used to get out of the way. But all I could think of was how unbelievably lucky I was that I didn't go to lunch. And that he didn't puke at the post office. What a good boy I have. He didn't even get any on himself. Except a little on his shoes. So I take him over to the stairs and take his shoes off and he just sat there the whole time I was cleaning it up and said "ewww". hahaha. And then when Larry came home he took Larry into the kitchen and pointed to the spot and was telling him "ewww". He is such a smart boy.

Ok, but since then no puking. I felt so bad for him last night cause we haven't been giving him milk. We have noticed that when he drinks milk, he pukes. But he wanted some so badly. He was just walking around saying "guk" "guk". I made some decaf iced tea and gave him that as a treat. He loves iced tea for some reason. And he drank that but you could tell it wasn't as good as his beloved "guk".


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