Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh the fun we can have.

Connor's ear infection seems to coming along nicely. He slept through the night last night. For the first time in at least two weeks. We are both beat. Yesterday he took a 4 hour nap, and don't think I missed the chance to leave a full body impression in the couch.

We have a Super Wal-mart near our house. The buzz on the street is that it is the biggest Wal-mart in the state and its only been open since August so it hasn't really caught on yet. It's my own personal Wal-mart. Complete with fully stocked shelves and helpful employees. (ok, I'm exaggerating on the helpful employee part). It's awesome. We went there this morning and it was empty. Did you know that the lights in the freezers are on motion detectors? Neither did I. This was quite a source of amusement for us today. I would push the cart down the aisle and the lights would come on just ahead of us. It was really cool. haha. Connor was loving it. By the time we would get to the last aisle the first aisle would be dark again so we could do it all over. Connor would point to the dark freezer and say "on" and the light would come on. It's a magic Wal-mart.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch