Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa claus is coming to town.

I am terrible at the Santa thing. I probably can't even list all the mistakes I've made. First of all I pointed out Connor's power wheel to Maddy at the store and told her that we got it for him for Christmas. Forgetting that Santa is bringing it. I had to cover it with a lame "I"m just kidding. Maybe Santa will bring it." Then, the wrapping paper that I wrapped all the Santa gifts in was left laying on the kitchen counter for like a week. Oh yeah, no chance she saw that! Plus I didn't think to pick up different gift tags so Santa's gifts will have the same tags as ours. Funny how me and Santa have the exact same taste.

Despite my ineptness Maddy still totally believes. This is THE year. The one she will remember for the rest of her life. Unfortunately Santa isn't bringing any of the gifts she asked for in her letter. But I bet you $100 she won't remember what she wrote come Christmas day. Next year will the last hanging on Christmas. The one where you have some serious doubts about Santa but still want so much to believe. I played a trick on Santa that year and told him that my stocking was the red and white one and I told my mom that I wanted the red and green one. I think you know how that ended. But hey, we still have this year. I can't wait!

Today we watched Elmo's Christmas Countdown and there was a lot of singing in it. Afterwards Connor was walking around the living room making up a song with facial expressions and hand movements. It was adorable. It ended with "bye bye DeeDa, bye bye DeeDa". (bye bye, Santa) Those were the only words we could understand. awwww. He is so fricken cute.


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