Thursday, January 1, 2009

Good morning 2009

Wow wow wow wow WOW! It's 2009. Here is my post from last year talking about the new year. Now that I have been doing this blog for a while it's amazing to look back over the year and see how things have changed.

I was hoping that 2008 would be the last year of diapers. It wasn't. While Connor rocked the potty training he is still wearing diapers at night and nap. In another post I talked about my fears for putting him in a toddler bed. They were well founded because it was a disaster. So bad that he is still in a crib to this day. So again... I will hope for a big boy bed in the new year.

I also mentioned paying off Larry's car in 2008. Also didn't happen. What can I say? Maybe in 2009. 2010 for sure because that is when it's due anyways. :)

Ok, Hopes and dreams for 2009...

I like to make fun resolutions like eat more colorful foods, rather than boring not fun ones like lose weight. So my fun resolution is to add more style to my life. I'm currently wearing my first attempt. I never wear patterns. I'm scared of them. But I bought this shirt yesterday and it has a pattern on it. So there! And it wasn't even the new year yet! I rock at resolutions!

My plan is to put Connor in preschool in September so I can take my classes during the day. That will save some time since going to school at night is kind of a pain. They have a preschool on campus that is super cheap but the kids have to be 3. Plus I think it will be good for him.

Maddy will finish first grade with a bang and start second grade. Wow.

We are planning to go to Disneyland twice. Once in January and once in December. Hopefully that pans out.

I hope to diversify my income with some online income and babysitting. This year I made almost $1,000, clearly I have a lot of room for growth. Let's set a goal. Ummm...(complicated calculations including pulling numbers out of the air and guessing) $5,000. I hope to make $5,000 from side hustles in 2009. We'll check back on this in a year.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch