Friday, January 23, 2009

Smell my sock!

"Mommy! Smell my sock."
"I don't want to smell your sock, that's yucky"
"It's not yucky." sniiiiiiffffff "I like it."

Speaking of Connor, he got a big boy bed this week. It's going waaaay better than last time I tried to get him to sleep in a big boy bed. We went out and bought a real twin bed, skipping the toddler bed altogether. I think that's part of our success this time. He's also quite a bit older now, so I think that's part of it.

The only problem we are having is that he is kind of obsessive about his blanket. He needs it to be perfectly smooth and covering all of the sheet. Which he doesn't have a blanket big enough to cover the twin bed. It's wide enough but not long enough. So when he lays down and pulls the blanket up it shows about a foot of sheet at the bottom. Which then he has to get out of bed and pull the blanket down to the end of the bed. Then he gets back in and pulls it up again. And over and over. He just doesn't understand that it's too little for the bed. You can see how this is a problem. I have to shut off the light and lay the blanket on him after he is laying down. He just has to fall asleep before he notices the uncovered sheet and then we are fine. We are working though it for now. Hopefully we will get a proper blanket soon.

But he is doing very well as far as staying in the bed and sleeping his normal hours. Which is good. Last time he kept getting up and would refuse to lay down long enough to fall asleep. So much much improvement here.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch