Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Knot Head

I was walking in the house yesterday and the phone was ringing. I run to it and it's the school nurse... again.

"Hi is this Madison's mom?"
"This is so and so, the nurse from such and such school"
I'm trying to think... allergies? asthma? what?
"Madison ran into a pole at recess. She has a bump on her head and it will probably bruise but she's fine. I just wanted to let you know. I'll be sending a head injury form home so you know what to look for."
Now, I'm sorry but I had to hold back giggles. She ran into a pole... in the playground she has played on three times a day for a year and half. When she got home I asked her what she ran into. It was a tether ball pole, without a tether ball. So yeah, just a pole. lol.

Now despite the amount of time Maddy spends talking she is really bad at telling story, so I'm not 100% clear on what happened but from what I can determine she was spinning around the pole and then turned to look to look at someone and bang. So not only did she run into a pole, she actually had her hand on it when she hit her head on it. How does a person do that, exactly?


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