Thursday, January 29, 2009

Longest. Week. Ever.

This has been the worst week. UG... I can't believe it's only Thursday. Still another whole day.

Let's see... Maddy threw up all Sunday night, so that was some great rest. She was home sick on Monday. Then Larry comes home and is talking layoffs at work. So that's stressful. Then I had to go to school.

Tuesday Larry comes home thinking he probably won't get laid off so that was good. Then Connor started throwing up. I basically got no sleep.

About 9:00 Wednesday morning I started feeling like arse. Plus, it was a half day and I had Shane. So not only is Maddy home early, I have an extra kid in the house. No extra rest for being sick, plus extra work. Larry comes home with weird news about the layoffs and again we are not sure where we stand. And then I had to go to school.

Today we got news that we would hear on Tuesday about the layoffs and Larry is sick. I feel like it's been 3 weeks since Sunday night. I'm exhausted, sick, and stressed out.


Connor started crying while I was writing this and when I went in there to comfort him he slapped me across the face... hard. That pretty much sums it up.

Good. Night.


Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

Bless your heart.

The kids will still be there, but at least you won't be sick forever!

Copyright 2009 Front Porch