Saturday, October 25, 2008

Operation Skinny: Week 7

Hi, it's been another week. Time flies. My big news is that we got an elliptical machine this week. Yay! I love it. I've worked out on it every day. I've been burning 250 calories in 20 minutes. And it's just the right amount hard. It has preprogrammed courses and the first day I did one that I thought looked like the easiest one. haha. No. It pretty much killed me. I felt like my lungs were going to shrivel up and come out of my chest. But now I'm doing one that is just right. I'll work myself up to that other one.

The new work out has caused some problems with my goals however. First off I've gained 2.8 pounds. Which is frustrating! I expected no loss, or even a little gain since I've been working out harder. But 2.8 pounds! yikes. I also had a really bad week eating wise. I averaged 1,699 calories. Which I know didn't help the weight gain, but I was starving. It's easily the hungriest I've been since I started Operation Skinny. I'm assuming it has something to do with the extra calories I've been burning. I will do my best to work on that next week.

And one more problem. The distance I go on the elliptical machine is only like .7 miles. Which isn't really fair considering all the effort I'm putting in. And I would never get to Boston only walking .7 miles. So, I'm going to cheat a little. Here's the thing... if I were to run 8 miles an hour for 20 minutes then I would burn 250 calories. Just like on the elliptical. And if I were to do that I would go about 2.7 miles. I've just been calling it 2.5 miles. Anyways, so that's what I've been recording as my distance. Because .7 miles just isn't fair.

So here is my progress so far.

Weight loss: 2 pounds
Distance travelled: 132 miles


Kerrie said...

It sounds to me like you are building lean muscle mass with all of your training. It weighs so much more than fat which explains the gain. The same thing happened to me about 6 weeks into an intensive gym program.

I bet you are stronger, fitter and working out a bit easier because of it.

Try measuring yourself as well as weighing, if you are gaining lean muscle you will see it as lost inches.

Copyright 2009 Front Porch