Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dream a little dream

Don't you wonder what your kids dream about? I do. What goes on in their little subconscious brains? Well I got a peek the other day.

Connor woke up from nap talking about climbing the banana tree outside. Climbing up and eating a banana from the banana tree. You know, the one right outside. The banana tree out side his bedroom window. You know which one right? He just climbed right up there and ate a banana.

He was just adamant about it. He didn't believe us that there wasn't a banana tree outside. We had to go to the window and look. "See honey, no banana tree." He was all confused. It was pretty funny.

He had a banana for lunch right before nap. It's the first time we've had bananas in the house for quite awhile. I guess they really made an impression.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch