Saturday, October 11, 2008

Operation Skinny: Week 5

Ok, guys… this is so cool! Google has a site where you can put in your walking path and they tell you how many miles it is and how many calories you burn and what not. You can create a path and save it and keep adding to it as you go. So what I’m going to do is walk from my house to Leominster MA (my home town for those that don’t know me). I will update my walking every week, which might be kinda boring to see me go 20 miles further every week, but I’ll mention it when I cross a state line or some other milestone and you can check it out. I’m currently walking along the Bee Line highway and I just passed Payson AZ. I’m out in the middle of the desert, which is beautiful in it’s own way. As you can see in the picture.

Here's my map.

The Bee Line Highway even won an award for Excellence in Highway Design from the FHWA and they had this to say…

This highway traverses the environmentally sensitive Tonto National Forest, home to various cacti, hawks and other birds, bats, rattlesnakes, beetles, and desert tortoises. Working closely with the US Forest Service to preserve vegetation and animal life during the project, the designer managed a major cactus relocation program that included saguaro, barrel, and prickly pear varieties. Other aesthetic measures included sculpting rock faces with explosives and then staining them to blend with existing rock.

I ate an average of 1,486 calories this week and walked 21 miles. No weight change at all.

Weight loss: 2.6 pounds
Walking: 100 miles!


Copyright 2009 Front Porch