Sunday, October 26, 2008


I got tagged like two weeks ago by Kerri over at Life at number 14. (hi!) But I was at the Grand Canyon when I saw it and couldn't do it right then... and then well... I kinda forgot til just now.

So the rules of this tag are to list 7 weird facts about yourself. And then tag 7 other people. I'm not going to tag anyone because I don't really have any blogging friends. I'm alone out here in the blogsphere. (HELLO!, Hello!, hello, hello.) <---- that is supposed to be echoing in case you didn't get it.

Anyways... here we go.

1. I never thought I would stay home with my kids... but I do.
2. I never thought I would own a minivan... but I do.
3. I never thought I would cook... but I do.
4. I never thought I would have the world's greatest marriage... but I do.
5. I never thought I would attend college at age 31... but I do.
6. I never thought I would wake up every morning before 10... but I do.
7. I never thought I would appreciate being able to take a shower in peace... but I do.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch