Friday, September 12, 2008

Neighborhood drama

First off we have some awful neighbor's in our cul-de-sac. We used to have very nice neighbors in that house. A mom and dad, I can't even remember how many kids they had. Just bunches. They were always outside riding bikes, playing catch, what have you. And then the dad got transferred and they sold the house and moved away. I miss them!

The guy who bought the house has two teenagers. A boy and a girl. He used to be around. We would see him every once in a while getting the mail. But his car was around every day. Then he started bringing this hoe-bag girlfriend around. Seriously she was almost twice my age and dressed like she was half my age. Then they both disappeared and left these two teenagers alone in this big ole' house. ALONE. I've only seen their dad like once in the past year. And that was when they broke two windows in the house and he was there with the repair guy getting them fixed. The windows weren't next to each other either. One upstairs and one down stairs. What the heck happened??

So you can imagine what two teenagers do when they are living free and unsupervised. Parties every single night of the week. Idiot drivers all hours of the day and night tearing past our house, almost hitting our cars and kids. Everyone hates them. Whenever there is any kind of conversations among the neighbors it always turns to this house and our collective hatred. "Did you hear the party last night?" "No but they drove in our grass and their dog pooped on our porch." Like that...

Anyways, they have a pit bull and he was loose this morning when Larry went to go to work. The dog charged at him several times as he was trying to get to the car, and was barking and growling and just generally being aggressive. Then my brother in law showed up (they car pool) and the dog charged at him. So they make it to the car and were just going to leave but then Larry decided to call the cops because the bus stop is right in front of our house and he didn't want a bunch of elementary school kids sitting out there with an aggressive pit bull. So he called and he said within two minutes a cop showed up. So the cop goes to get out of the car and the pit bull charged at him before he could even get fully out of the car. So the cop tazered the dog but didn't get him fully. So the dog is freaking out now. Trying to jump the fence to get back into the back yard and trying to attack the cop. So he tazered him again and got him good this time. Just then another cop car comes flying around the corner. Larry said he was going like 40 miles an hour. It comes skidding to a stop and two cops jump out. The dog was behind the car so the new cops couldn't see anything but the cop standing there with his tazer, but they couldn't see what he was tazing. So they get out of their car, guns drawn, and come around the front of the car. When they see it's a dog one of them goes and gets one of those collar things on a stick they use. They put that thing around the dog's neck and put it in the back of one of the cop cars.


The cops knocked at the "bad" house but no one would come to the door. The cops came and talked to Larry and he was telling them about how much trouble this house is, and another neighbor came over and was chiming in. We've called the cops on them twice now and other neighbor's I know have called too. I know of at least 6 times. I'm assuming there must be others. I obviously don't talk to every single one of our neighbors. I just wish they would move away.... or grow up!


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