Sunday, September 21, 2008

3's make me happy. A mid-term progress report.

We got Maddy's mid term progress report during the week and I'm happy to report she is doing wonderfully. They still don't grade with letter grades. It's a 1,2, 3 thing. 3 being best. So of course she is getting all 3's. :) In fact, out of 20 or 30 assignments she got a 100% on all but 2 of them. She spelled her name wrong on the name writing test. Which I call shenanigans on because they made her write Madison when she has never practiced that before. She has always written Maddy, I've never taught her how to spell Madison. I've honestly never even considered it. No one ever calls her that. Anyways, she spelled it Madisno. Which I teased her about for the rest of the night. Calling her Madisno. Don't worry.... she thought it was funny. As did I.

The only other thing she didn't get a 100% on was her spelling test. Remember how I said they give you 5 words to practice and then the spelling test is 10 words? Well she did perfectly fine on all that, even the mystery words. Apparently they work on the mystery words during class. I didn't know that. But then they had to write sentences too. She missed one of the words in the sentences. She didn't spell it wrong... she just forgot it. I think the sentence was something like "Ben had a big quiz." and Maddy wrote "Ben had a quiz." Ok, a point off.... I can live with that.

I don't want to leave this post talking mostly about the two tiny things that Maddy got points off for in school.... so I would like to remind you again that she got 100% on about 25 other assignments. I couldn't be more proud of her. She's doing better in school than I am! :)


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