Connor was hilarious. Apparently he's never painted before. I didn't realize that. We all sat down at the kitchen table and I put a pumpkin on a paper plate in front of everyone. Connor thought we were going to eat them. He kept saying "Don't want pumpkin, Momma" "Momma. Don't want pumpkin!" lol. So we talk him into putting some paint on it. He put a big glob of yellow paint on his pumpkin and then leaned forward and licked it. lol. Totally gross. He didn't like that very much. But it finally convinced him that it's not for eating. Once we were over that hurdle everything went pretty well. After it was all done Maddy said, "I should have just painted it orange." LOL... that would have been pretty funny.
I made the kids take off their shirts cause I figured they would both be covered in paint. The kids came out clean as a whistle, but me and Larry both got paint on our shirts. Go figure. Topless painting around here from now on. It's a family rule. lol.
Oh! and Maddy has her first test today. A spelling test. They do it weird. The test is on 10 words but they only give them five to study. So five of the words are words they've never seen before. It's supposed to see if they picked up on the pattern and can figure out how to spell the others. Ok, I can see that I guess. I thought the words would be like "cat" "bat" "sat" and then the mystery words would be like "mat" or something, you know an obvious pattern. No. The spelling words they sent home were "the" "a" "of" "to" and "and". Ummm... where's the pattern in that? Seriously? So I'm curious to see how that is going to work out. Here's my secret hope: That this new program fails horribly and they go back to the old fashioned way of actually letting the kids study their spelling words. But I guess I'm just "old school". Literally.
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