Saturday, September 27, 2008

Operation Skinny: Week 3

Another week is gone. Wow… They are just flying by right now.

So I ate an average of 1,578 calories per day. It’s the most I’ve eaten since starting Operation Skinny, but I’m ok with it considering I ate less than expected last week. I was pretty hungry early in the week.

I walked 21.5 miles. Wohoo! That’s awesome. I’m thrilled with that number. I think that is my max. 3 miles a day. Apparently one day I walked 3.5, but I really think 3 per day is going to be it for a while.

Here's the bummer. I gained .4 pounds again. Sigh. I know I didn't get fatter... look at those numbers! So I can only assume it's muscle. Hopefully that stops soon since I won't be walking any extra, just sticking to the 21 miles a week.

Net weight loss: .8 pounds
Walked: 58 miles


Copyright 2009 Front Porch