Friday, September 12, 2008

Operation Skinny: Week 1

Ok as promised, here is my first update on my weight loss.

I ate an average of 1,501 calories per day and walked a total of 16.5 miles. I would say that is a roaring success. I was aiming for 1,500 calories so, obviously, I am very pleased with the actual number. I didn't have a goal for the walking, but I am very happy with 16.5. If I were to set a goal I would have probably set it at 4 miles 4 times a week. So yay!!

The bad news: I gained .4 lbs. I know my legs and hips and stuff are stronger from walking. And my obsessively critical eye can tell I have lost fat. So I'm confident it's muscle gain. I kinda cheated and weighted myself during the week and at about Wed. I had gained a full pound. So hopefully next week will show some weight loss.

Weight loss: Up .4 lbs
Distance walked: 18.5 miles (I had walked 2 miles last week.)

I've never done an exercise based diet before. I like it very much. When you realize how hard it is to burn those calories we eat it makes you really not want to over eat. With a food based diet a difference of 100 calories doesn't really seem like a big deal. But when you know it means 30 minutes of walking around the block, it makes you think twice. Also, it's nice to attempt to meet my goals by doing something, rather than by not doing something. Much more motivating!


Copyright 2009 Front Porch