Thursday, December 4, 2008

But no one's there

Connor freaks me out sometimes.

First off, his bedroom is super insulated from the rest of the house. One wall is an exterior wall, one has a bathroom on the other side, and the other two walls have closets on the other side. Not one wall butts up against living space. Add the fact that I turn on a loud fan for white noise and his room quiet. Like super quiet. I can't here anything when I'm in there. It is a different world in there.

Anyways, sometimes when I'm putting him to bed, or getting him up he will keep looking out the door. Which gives me the creeps. He will look up at the door like someone just walked in, or is standing there. You know? Sometime he will ask "What's that?" While looking over there. That gives me the heebies. Cause it's nothing. It totally makes me feel like I'm being watched. I can't sit with my back to door after that.

Once in a while he will not quit with it and make me (or Larry) take him out into the hall so that he can see that no one is out there. Once when Larry was putting him to bed he kept insisting that Maddy was in her room. Which she wasn't. So finally Larry took him in there to prove it. They were standing there in her empty room and Connor points to the wall and says "oh, there it is!". There was a moth on the wall. A moth! That is what he heard coming from her room. A MOTH! In the other room. He heard it.

Then the other night he woke up and kept saying "my foot. my foot". So I go in there and he is just laying on his back with his foot in the air.
"What's wrong Bub?" I ask.
He points behind me and says "He's going to watch."
"Who is going to watch?"
"He is going to watch." Still pointing behind me.
"Who is?"
"He's going to watch it go round and round."
"Go to sleep."

I was kinda freaked out. Who was watching him? lol


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