Friday, December 5, 2008

A couple of smarties

Maddy's teacher sent home a print out of her grades. Not an official report card, but an actual list of each assignment and its grade. She is doing so well! I'm so proud of her.

Reading: 97.1%
Math: 95.6%
Writing: 92.1%

Writing includes spelling tests, which are her weak spot. Not a huge weak spot, but she rarely gets a 100%. Obviously reading she does great in, she loves to read.

And then Connor and I had this conversation at dinner the other night...

Connor: I want super powers
Me: Me too! What super power do you want?
C: I want to fly up!
M: Oh, to fly. Good one!
C: Oh, I know! A balloon!
M: You could fly up with a balloon? That's a good idea.
C: Yeah, an orange one!

Edited to add: You know... I'm going to include myself in this post. Cause it's my blog and no one can tell me I can't! I also have straight A's. I had a Math test last night. I can always tell how well I did by how many people finish before me. And I was the first one done. Which means that I got an A. And the last test, I got a 100%. Yeah, that's right baby. 100%! I doubt I'm going to pull that off again... but maybe! I was the first one done after all.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch