Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Two steps forward, one step back

So I bought Connor some underwear. Oh, so cute! And he loves them. They had Cars, Thomas, Elmo, and something else, I can't remember. Anyways, Larry held up the four packs so Connor could pick which ones he liked. He picked Cars and Thomas. And he's so proud of them.

We came home from the store and put them on right away. And he immediately peed in them. So we sat on the potty and then put on a clean pair. And then he did it again. But after that he got the hang of it and we've had very few accidents since then.

So those are our two steps forward. Underwear and the ability to use it properly.

Our one step back in on the sleeping front. Remember how I said that he has been waking up earlier and earlier everyday? Well, it hasn't gotten much better. He's been getting up at about 5:30am. Which is too early for him, and me. We are both miserable. And for Connor being over tired is a recipe for disaster. The less he sleeps, the less he sleeps. So it's imperative that I get him to sleep later, and take a better nap. I think that's what started us on this road of misery in the first place. For some reason he started pooping everyday at 1:00pm which is right in the middle of his nap. It wakes him up. So he wasn't taking proper naps, which means he wasn't sleeping well at night. Add all that to the fact that he recently started sleeping in a big boy bed and it equals him in our room at 5 in the morning.

So where's the one step back? I've decided to put him back in his crib. He is currently sleeping there now. Sigh. This morning he woke up at 5:30 just a tired little crab apple. I made him stay in his bed til 6:00 (which consists of me standing outside his door and sending him back to bed every 2 minutes). So finally I gave up and we went downstairs to say good by to Larry. About 10 minutes later Connor asks to go to bed. "Please night night, Momma". So I put him back down. I stood at his door and sent him back to his bed until 6:30, when I finally gave up. So we went downstairs to have breakfast.

When he finished his breakfast he just laid on the couch and watched tv. Which is totally not like him. He kept saying "Please night night" but I didn't want to spend our whole day getting mad at each other in his doorway, so I told him we would later. I didn't believe that this time he was really going to fall asleep.

So finally by 7:30 he was just a disaster. The boy needed to sleep! He wanted to sleep. He just wouldn't lay in his bed. The world is too exciting to just lay in a dark room. Or maybe his mattress is spring loaded and it was just shooting him right out. I don't know.

So we spent another 15 minutes playing our little game when finally I had had enough. I went and got his crib and stuck him in it. He cried for about one minute and then I heard him saying "pacifier! pacifier!" So I went in and gave him back his binky, laid him down, and left. I haven't heard a sound out of him since. Oh thank heaven!


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