Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a pink and purple mitten.

Ok, this is the last time I'm going to write about Maddy's baseball adventures, I promise. But I have a few more examples that illustrate the total girlishness that is my daughter.

First off, on the second day of baseball she came trotting into my room wearing a skirt. Um... sweetie, you can't wear a skirt to baseball. Then the next day at dinner she is telling Larry about what they did at baseball and I can't remember her exact words, but she called her glove her mitten. Her mitten. lol. I about fell out of my chair. Even last night I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep and it popped into my head and I couldn't stop laughing. I was just laying there in the dark giggling to myself. hehehe... mitten. Even now it's cracking me up.

Then yesterday was the last day and as we were getting out of the car she was complaining that she had to catch a ball on the ground and she got her glove dirty. lol... oh no! She got her baseball mitten dirty...of all the horrors!

Connor on the other hand is currently jumping around the family room with both feet in a bucket. I don't see how that could possibly end badly.


Anonymous said...

It IS called a baseball MITT. I'm sure that's where she got it from. Honest mistake for a youngster...

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