Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Big Squirt

So baseball went much better today. She had a lot of fun. I didn't hang around because of the heat, but she happy when I picked her up. For one thing today they had a big hose out on the field and were wetting the kids down. I'm sure that helped everyone's mood.

While we were waiting for it to end this guy pulled up in a green tractor and stopped it right in front of us. Which was pretty much the coolest thing ever. He let Connor sit on it and was going to turn it on for him and show him how to make the thing go up and down but Connor got kinda freaked out and just wanted to sit on it. Which was fine, it was still cool.

And then as all the kids were leaving the guy with the tractor turned on some sprinklers. Not garden sprinklers, real heavy duty baseball field sprinklers. Connor wanted to go get wet, so I said ok. I wasn't looking but Connor started crying. So I go over there and he is soaking wet. I said "Did you get a big squirt?" And through the tears he said "Yeah, big squirt!"

Oh speaking of Connor, at 5:15 this morning he came in our room, flipped on the light, and said "all done sleeping". Not fun. We are assuming he is getting up so early because it's getting light so early. I think we might put something over his window to keep the light out. You know, other than the heavy dark curtain that is already there. I just wish he would sleep later than the crack of dawn.


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