Friday, June 6, 2008

Connor do it!

Connor's new thing is "Momma look at me!" or "Look at this!" and then when I look he does some new dare devil thing. Not really dare devilish in the grand scheme of things but pretty daring for him. Like walking with one foot on the ground and one foot on the curb. Or maybe spinning around on one foot.

He is turning into such a little boy. He is obsessed with dressing himself. He is an expert on putting on his shoes and is starting to get the hang of putting his shorts on. He did it twice today. Usually he puts both legs in one leg hole but today he did it right. Then he pulled up the zipper and tried to the snap but couldn't. He tried hard though. Then I showed him and he unsnapped it and tried again. He is a determined little bugger. He never did get it.


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