Sunday, June 29, 2008

This and that

I intended to write more this week but I just haven't been feeling myself. I don't know why. I think I'm really sick of Larry working so much. We are both sick of it. I'm glad he has a three day weekend coming up.

Nothing new really going on over here. Maddy went to see Wall-E. I hear it doesn't have much talking in it, so I'm curious to see if she liked it. Doesn't sound like her kind of movie. She's big on talking. But I hear it's good, so we'll see.

Connor stopped calling me "Mommy" and now just calls me "Mom". Which makes me laugh cause he's so little, and that is so grown up. He has been sleeping better since I put him back in his crib. I would say we are almost caught up. He's been waking up soaking wet at 6:30 every day so I need to do something about that. Maybe if I can keep him dry he will start sleeping til 7 or later. That would be awesome. One problem is that they don't make the Huggies overnight diapers in size 6. So he is still wearing size 5 in them and they are getting too small. Maybe I should just switch to regular Huggies and see how that goes. They do make those in size 6.


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