Thursday, June 12, 2008


So I don't know if I mentioned it or not but Maddy is home from her dad's. I don't know what to do with myself, having both kids all day everyday. If I do something with Maddy, Connor is in the middle of it. If I do something with Connor, Maddy is the middle of it. If I do something with both of them, they fight. So what am I supposed to do? I'll tell you what, lay on the couch with a pillow over my head, that's what.

Connor hasn't been sleeping well so he is a total grump. Everything cause a meltdown. Everything. We are in full blown terrible two's around here. He wants to do everything himself but he's still too little to do very much. So I have to help him without him seeing me. Like I pull the back of his pants up while he pulls up the front. But I can't let him know it. If he catches me then he cries because he wanted to do it.

He actually asked to be put on the potty last night. So I did, and he peed. Which was awesome! He didn't want his diaper put back on so I let him go around with just a T-shirt on. Babies look so cute like that... with their little butts peeking out from under a shirt. hehe. But he quickly peed on the rug. Which was ok with me, but he he got very upset by it. He immediately wanted to be put back on the potty. Which we did. And then for like an hour afterwards he kept pointing to the spot and saying "pee rug". It really bothered him. Which is cool. After Maddy is back at school we are going to get ourselves into some hard core potty training.


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