Sunday, August 23, 2009

The hand of milk and honey

The other day I was putting Connor down for a nap and he grabbed my hand and smelled it. He then told me that I smell like milk and honey. I laughed and wondered where he learned that saying. I made a mental note to ask Larry about it but quickly forgot about the whole incident.

Then last night Larry told me that Connor was upset because he wouldn't let him wash his hands before bed (Connor had just gotten out of his bath) because his hands didn't smell like milk and honey. I asked Larry what was up with that and told him the story of nap time. Larry said the hand soap in the kids bathroom is milk and honey scent. But the kicker is that neither of us told Connor that. Was Connor able to figure that out just by smell alone?

Milk and honey? Really? I could see if it was strawberry, or orange, or even watermelon. But milk and honey? That's crazy. Someone MUST have told him. I mean, come on.

On a totally unrelated topic:

I got my nails done the other day. As the lady is painting my nails she asks me if I wanted to get my brows done. "Wan Brow!?!" I said "No, I'm fine." and then she stopped painting and looked up at me over the top of her glasses. haha. I now have new brows.


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