Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We have homework

Finally. I've been waiting for two years and one week for Maddy to get some regular homework. We finally have some. She has to read for 20 minutes, study her math flash cards, and work on her spelling words.

She hates it.

I sent her upstairs when she got home to work on her spelling words while I cut out the gazillion math flash cards. She came down like 15 minutes later and I thought she was done. Nope. She hadn't even started, she just came down to tell me that she doesn't want to do it.

Too bad.

If anything is going to make her not like school it's homework. Homework and math. I'm making a prediction that she will struggle with math. We have done the addition flash cards every night for a year now and haven't made any progress. It's like she is seeing every problem for the very first time. We do them every night. Every night. And yet, it doesn't sink in. She can't see that if 3+4=7 that it then makes sense that 3+5=8. That doesn't compute. 3+5 is a completely new equation with no relationship to 3+4 whatsoever.

I see math tutors in our future.

But the spelling words are a totally different story. I usually go over them one time with her and she's good. Not that she gets a 100% on every test, she doesn't. She makes a mistake here or there, but she knows how to spell the word when I ask her and she isn't over thinking it.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch