Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Second Grade

Well, the first day of school has come and gone with surprisingly little fanfare. Monday was the first day. Sunday night she came home from Shaun's and cried and cried and cried. I guess she was just nervous. Seriously she would not stop crying. He dropped her off at 5:00 and by 6:30 I had put her to bed. She was a disaster.

But she woke up ready to go and, as I predicted, by the time she saw kids at the bus stop she had forgotten all about being nervous.

All of her predictions in her letter came true. She is loving school. LOVING IT!

I on the other hand am having a hard time creating a new routine for us. Today was movie day and there was no summer movie. Thursday is library day. I am going to the library tomorrow to return the last stack of books... but then what. Normally we go get pizza after the library but I got pizza today out of sheer boredom and lack of planning. So I don't know...


Burgh Baby said...

Yay for surviving the first day!

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