Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ok, I'm a bad girl. I completely spaced on writing in here yesterday. Sorry. So much for my challenge.

We have decided to move the computer upstairs. We kinda went back and forth about where to put it. I refuse to put it in the bedroom. I just don't like that. I barely tolerate having a TV in there, I am NOT putting the computer in there too. Not. Gunna. Do it.

Ok, so the spare room is the next obvious choice. But the elliptical machine is in there which makes the room kinda awkward. We could fit the computer but it would look like poo.

The closet in the spare room is a walk in with, get this... a window. Yeah, there's a window in the closet. So we've decided to put the computer in there. It's the walk in closet in the spare room. I'm sure you can imagine how much clutter has accumulated in there. So all that junk has to find a new home. And that's what I've been doing this weekend. Moving the stuff from this closet to other closets. So I don't only have to declutter this one closet but just about every closet in the house. Fun.

Larry has gotten in on the act by condensing his movies from 4 bookcases to 3. Go him! We are going to move the now empty bookcase up to the spare room for more storage in there.

Sounds good right? Well it does create a couple of problems. Problems I'm afraid are going to cost money to fix.

The first problem is that moving the computer will leave a big clean spot on the rug. Gross, I know. But we put the plastic rug protector thing down under the computer chair when we moved in.... 4 1/2 years ago. Since then the rest of the rug has received quite a beating. So when we move it I'm afraid the condition of the rug is going to be extremely obvious. But nothing a professional steam cleaning won't fix.

The second problem is that moving the computer is going to leave a big empty spot in the room. Right now we have the TV hanging on the wall Dr. office style. Which I've hated since the day we put it up there. We could get an entertainment center type thing and put the TV on it. Which I think will look nicer... but it's money spent.

So that's how we have been spending our weekend.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch