Monday, September 7, 2009

Love thy neighbor

We called the cops on our neighbors again. I hate them... have I mentioned that?

If you don't think I have then click here. Cause you will see that I most certainty have!

Anyways yesterday afternoon at 3:10, I was getting ready to leave when I saw my neighbor start to pull in across the street. This is the guy who can't seem to leave or arrive without driving in our yard. So I was was watching. He pulled (what seemed to me but then was later disputed on the video tapes) about half way into our driveway. That pissed me off... so I go outside.

"Could you please not drive on our property?"
no response
"Your tires were all the way up here" motioning to how far I saw him pull up "There is no reason for that."
"So. Get over it."

Well, sir, I dont' have to get over it. I have Google on my side. So I started looking up the trespassing laws in Arizona. Turns out that "Knowingly entering... any real property after a reasonable request to leave by the owner..." is called criminal trespassing in the third degree. It's a misdemeanor. A third class misdemeanor, which I have to assume is the absolute lowest possible crime in the American justice system... but it's still a crime.

So we called the cops. The cop watched the video and said that he didn't pull in far enough to be able to prove that he did it "knowingly". I haven't seen the video but Larry said that he didn't pull in as far as we had thought from our angle downstairs. Fine. Whatever.

So I don't know. I'm sure I can get video of him pulling all the way into our driveway but it will have to be a time when the van isn't parked there. And then... I don't know. Is it worth pursuing? I just want him to stop doing it. Maybe seeing the cops at our house shortly after our little interaction will leave him chilly... and he will just stop on his own. Doubtful... but I can dream.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch