Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Would that be considered ironic?

I went to Walmart today. While I was walking up to the door there was this older couple standing there looking out across the parking lot. The lady was saying "I can't read what that blue sign says."

I glanced over to see if I could read it, maybe help them out. Know what it said? Vision Center. hahaha. They were struggling to read a sign that said "vision center". I didn't tell them what it said because I had to giggle to myself instead.

Since this post is so short I will share with you what Connor says every day before he falls asleep.

"I'm going to dream about pirates and kitty cats and helicopters. And the Grand Canyon and bubbles and the trampoline. And the stars and moon."


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Yes. Totally ironic.

And funny.

And sort of scary.

Copyright 2009 Front Porch