Friday, April 17, 2009

We were "that" family

So no sinus infection. I think I was just sick, and maybe the wind was kicking up some serious allergies. But I woke up Thursday (the day of the drs. appointment) feeling about 75% better. And I'm pretty sure that you aren't going to feel better from a sinus infection just like that. So I canceled.

Larry is working late tonight, which I hate. I mean, extra money is good, but alllll day alone with the kids gives me visions of running away. Ok, maybe not running away.... but I do take an extra long time to get into the drivers seat after strapping the kids into the car. If you see me sitting on the tailgate of the van, rest assured it's because I need to tie my shoe or something and NOT because its the only place in the whole world where I can get away from the kids for a half a second.

To break up the insanity I decided to take the kids to "Chick-a-lay" for dinner. BIG MISTAKE. I'm never going there again. Besides the fact that a meal there doesn't come close to filling me up, Connor never eats. I have thrown away my last kids meal from there. But that isn't why it was a mistake. Connor was horrible. HORRIBLE! He is normally good in public but OMG I wanted to die. He was yelling, and running around like a hooligan, not listening to me AT ALL. I even took him outside and gave him a talking to, which did a whole nothing. Well, no... he did walk quietly back to the table and picked up a french fry and put it in the ketchup. He ever actually ate it since misbehaving got in the way. But we got that far. I was so embarrassed. We left the second I was done with my food. It was a total waste of gas and money.

He screamed the whole way home and then went straight to time out. It took him 13 minutes to do a 3 minute time out. He is now sitting on the couch in a Sponge Bob trance and will be going to bed shortly. I will be doing 20 minutes on the elliptical machine to try to work the adrenaline through my system... cause right now I pretty much want to kill someone.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch