Monday, April 6, 2009

I just need to spin around in it one more time!

The other day I was in the living room either watching TV or on the computer... or both. And Maddy comes in and says she wants to go to Disneyland from April 9th through the 12th. I laughed and asked why. She said (complete with over-the-top hand gestures) it was because all the Disney characters were going to be on ice. A quick Google search revealed that Disney on Ice was, in fact, coming to Phoenix. So as a reward for her great grades, I got tickets for her and I for this Saturday

As an added bonus I took her to Target and let her pick out a fancy new dress. And by fancy I mean FAN-CY! All the Easter dresses were there, so we had plenty of extra fancy dresses to choose from. In true Ashley shopping style I grabbed one of everything in her size and headed for the dressing room. This is where the patience comes into play. Oh Lord almighty. I hate shopping. I really hate shopping for someone else. But I bit my tongue because this was supposed to be fun her. I let her twirl around for 5 minutes in each and every dress. Because I remember being 7. I know that being able to get a good twirl in a dress is of #1 importance. Color, style, comfort, and price are all a far distant second. Price especially, as evidenced by the fact that she was able to pick out the most expensive dress in the store.

It pains me to spend money on a dress she is only going to wear once. But it's part of the deal. We are both going to get dressed up fancy and go spend a night on the town. Should be fun.


ChristineMM said...

When I saw the Easter dresses in the store this year, I got that ache again that happens when I realize I will never have a daughter.

I have two sons, now they are 8 and 11. It is just that I always wanted a daughter to wear special frilly dresses at Easter and wear princess costumes all over the place and to read horse books aloud to and later, she'd read Nancy Drew like I did.

Enjoy these times. There is a great book (it is not religious despite the title) about appreciating the time when they are young and taking time to slow down so you can feel the gratitude. It is called "Mitten Strings From God" and it is one of my favorite books. It's short and easy to read. Check it out.

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