We had a very Halloweenish weekend. On Friday after lunch Connor and I went to the a little roadside pumpkin patch. We picked out some pumpkins but when we got up to the front to pay I found out they only took cash. So Boo. We had to leave without our pumpkins. I never carry cash. Then later that night Larry and Maddy went to a costume Father-daughter dance. Totally cute. I didn't have a costume for Maddy so I improvised and she went as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. She wore the same dress she wore to my brother in law's wedding, which means I have now gotten 3 uses out of that dress. It's a blue and white plaid and we got her little basket that she carried a stuffed little dog in. It was pretty cute. They had a good time. Larry was a pirate.

Then on Saturday we went to the farmer's market down the street. They have a cornmaze, or a corn jungle as Connor calls it. That was fun. Connor really liked it. They also had a barrel train and a bounce house. They had animals too but not a petting zoo. Which I was happy about. You could reach through the fence and pet them if you really had to do that. Connor pet a pig. We ended our day at the farmers market and got some pumpkins and desert honey. Mmmmm.
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