Thursday, May 28, 2009

In theaters near you

Connor went to his first movie yesterday. Some might say he went to the "cinema". Cinema. haha. No, it's movie theater, ok? I don't know what kind of shows they play at the cinema, but I guarantee it isn't Chimps in Space... which is what we saw. Chimps in Space. A fine flick. It's about, um... these chimps that, uh, go into space. I think you can figure out the rest.

We joined the summer movie program they have at the local theaters here. Because it's too dang hot to anything more than sit in a dark over-air conditioned room. So we now have prepaid tickets to see other feature films like Hotel for Dogs and Kungfu Panda. It's going to be a long summer.

When the flyer came home with Maddy from school about the summer movie program I had my doubts. I wasn't sure that Connor would be willing to sit still for that long. And I didn't want to commit to 10 weeks of a fidgeting boy. I was leaning towards giving it a shot, and then I heard a friend of mine and her kids were going to do it... so I signed up. I figured worst case I could take Connor out into the hall and Maddy could stay and watch the movie with our friends.

But it turns out that Connor is an excellent movie goer. He did so good. He sat mostly still and was into the movie. He didn't really get all the jokes. Everyone would laugh and then as soon as the laughter would die down Connor would bust out this really loud fake laugh. It was cracking me up. Now I don't know what's going to happen when the movie isn't quite as entertaining as Chimps in Space was... but we'll see.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch