Thursday, January 6, 2011

Smokey G

Have I ever told you about Smokey G?  She is the grandmother of one of the kids at the bus stop.  She only has one eye (true story) and she is severly asthmatic. So she has an eye patch and walks with tiny little steps everywhere she goes cause she if she goes too fast she has an asthma attack.   She is also pretty hard of hearing which took me a while to figure out.  But now I realize that is why she is a close talker and interrupts all the time. 

You can be just standing there talking to someone "Oh, yesterday at Costco..." and then BAM! Smokey G is in your face all eye patch and coffee breath with a "You know what happened to me this morning..."

I call her Smokey G because despite having life threating asthma she still smokes and I often see her sitting on the front porch with a cigarette.  I actually gave her that nickname before she ever started coming to the bus stop.

Ok, so Smokey G; the one eye'd, close talking, smoking asthmatic, is actually pretty funny if you talk to her.  Or allow her to talk to you is more accurate since she can't hear anything you say anyways.  She's had quite the life.

Anyways, I introduce you because there was an incident yesterday.  I was at the bus stop picking up Maddy and my friend Kim and I were talking and the kids were having races in the water retention area.  I was just hanging out since who is going to stop two chunky kids from running?  NOT ME!  So Kim and I are just chit chatting and this little girl comes up and says "My grandma is laying in the grass."  I glance over to where the kids are playing and Smokey G is laying face down in the grass.  So I go running over there while Kim gets her phone and follows.

I run up and say "Are you ok?"
No response.  Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.
I kneel down and put my hand on her shoulder "Kay! Are you ok?"  She does have a real name, it's Kay. 
This got her to look up at me.  Phew.  "I can't get up the hill."
"Is there anything you need?"
She didn't really answer.  I think that she was having some confusion.  She just kept telling me "I can't get up the hill.  I shouldn't have come down here."
"Do you just need to rest?" 
She nods.
"Ok, no problem.  Just rest."  But then she starts crawling up the hill.
"Is there something from your house that you need?"  I'm thinking if you don't need medicine then just stop and lay there for a second and catch your breath.  I'm assuming she must be trying to actually get to something. 
"I have my breather in my pocket if I could just stand up."  What the heck is a breather?  But I dig around in the pocket of her sweatpants and find an inhaler. 
This helped tremendously!  She started coughing which I took as a good sign.  Within a few mintues she was standing and we helped her get to the bench.  But we still have to get her home.  Luckily her son in law was home (she lives with them) and she used Kim's cell to call him to come pick her up.

While all this is going on there are like 15 other people around the park/ water retention area and not one person comes to see if she is ok.  WTF? 


Copyright 2009 Front Porch