Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The ghost of parties past

Kind of embarassing...  My friend Nikki (in the middle) posted this on facebook the other day.  You know... they say, not to get pictures taken at parties cause they WILL end up on the internet and you never know who will see them.  Not that this particular picture is all that bad... at least I don't have red plastic cup in my hand and a glazed look in my eye. 

But it's not really fair since this picture was taken on Feb 4th, 2001.  Three years BEFORE facebook waseven founded.  I shouldn't have to be protecting myself from something that doesn't even exist.  Am I doing something right now that will haunt me for the rest of my life?  In 10 years will it be common knowledge not to sit in recliners while hungry?  Come on.. everyone knows not to sit in recliners while hungry, jeeze what if your boss finds out!  You'll never be able to get a job!

But the point of this post really isn't about facebook and ability to make you both a celebrity and the paparazzi at the same exact time.  It was the amazing coincidence of the date that picture was taken.  Feb 4th 2001. 

There I was... getting drunk at a house party hanging out with my friends all innocent with no idea of two things...

#1:  I was pregnant with Maddy.  Yup, I'm pregnant in that pic.. but I don't know it yet!  See the smile?  Totally clueless!  In just a few days I would wake up and feel a little sick.  Nah... I'm sure it's nothing.  And then the next day I would wake up undeniably sick.  And the day after that I would wake up and run to the bathroom knowing exactly what was wrong. 

#2:  In 5 years to the day of this picture I would give birth to Connor.  To Connor!  Married, homeowner, mother of two.  WHAT?!  That's crazy.  In just 5 years from the date of this picture. 

What would I say to my past self?  Well, first I would say "put down that drink, you have a baby in your belly!"  Then?  I don't know... I'd tell myself to relax.  It's ok, you don't have to try so hard. Everything is going to work out.  Just do what you know is right... even if it's hard.

I'd probably be more specific, but I also wouldn't be posting it on the internet.  And I can't just put all out there on the internet cause you know... what if my boss finds out!


Copyright 2009 Front Porch