Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Lazy Girl

I am so lazy!  Seriously.  I've done nothing for two days and my kitchen looks like the trash exploded.  (Are there counters under there?) Not cool. 

I'll get to it just as soon as this episode of Desperate Housewives is over and I look up the original story line of "Peter and the Wolf" (Peter really does convince the hunters to take the wolf to the zoo.)

I actually kinda miss going to school. (Don't tell Larry.)  It's easier to enjoy procrastinating when you actually have work to avoid. 

Another reason (besides laziness) I haven't moved off the couch in 48 hours is because my knee has been bothering me.  It's the running.  I've been running if I haven't mentioned it.  So I'm letting my knee rest, it's the responsible thing to do.  I'm also researching better running shoes and have an ice pack chilling in the freezer as we speak.  We'll see how that goes. 

I'm lazy. But it's the lazy people who invented the wheel and the bicycle because they didn't like walking or carrying things.

~Lech Walesa


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